Being a Child

My third book, The Call of the Child, was published this week. More than two years in writing, over a year finding a publisher, and nearly a year from submission to release—it is a pleasure to have this project finally come to fruition.

But what is it all about?

It is about two things, tightly interweaved but seldom thought of as connected. They are: Being a child, and being a peacemaker. Or, as Jesus put it:

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
(Matt 5:9 NIV)

It works both ways. Having a heart at peace leads to peace surrounding us, which in turn makes us more like Father God. At the same time, being childlike brings peace to our hearts.

The Call of the ChildSo the call which lies before each of us, more than anything else, is being a child.

A child trusts. A child does not worry. A child can be oblivious to the challenges surrounding them. A child plays. A child is filled with wonder. A child knows that their father can fix anything. A child has no experience with fear or abandonment. A child has nothing to prove. A child has no need of reputation. A child feels inherently safe. A child sees no limitations and believes that anything is possible. A child is at peace.

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.
(Mark 10:15 NIV)

Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
(Matt 18:4 NIV)

A child is not useful. Parents do not have children in order to get more servants in the home. Children do not make life easier, more comfortable, or more economical. Rather, children are usually a product (and source) of love. In virtually every culture—even those which we may think of as evil—parents love their children and want the best for them.

Father God is far better than that. He is love. He was Father before the creation. He created in order to express himself as Father. His delight is to bring many sons and daughters to glory (see Heb 2:10) and to prepare a beautiful bride for his Son.

We are created to be children—objects of love.

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